If you run an organisation, you have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for your employees. At Jim’s Test & Tag, we have some essential fire safety advice for businesses. Maintaining your fire protection equipment is of utmost importance. Regular electrical testing and tagging checks will also help to reduce electrical fires. If you care about the future of your business, follow our safety tips and keep your workplace safe.

Just this month, 34 residents were evacuated from an Auckland retirement village because of “substandard” fire protection and structural issues.

Meanwhile, in Christchurch, inspectors found that the fire protection walls in the hospital were compromised. “Some patients at the Christchurch Hospital could die from smoke inhalation in the event of a fire”, according to this article titled “Fire protection walls in Christchurch Hospital buildings compromised“.

Fire Safety Tips for Businesses

The most important part of fire safety is prevention. Complying to the national building codes and safety standards will help minimise the chance of a fire in your workplace. You can use this checklist to prevent damage in your workplace:

  • Don’t store or stockpile flammable materials in any areas immediately outside your business. This includes paper, cardboard, rubbish, or flammable liquids. Public access to this material can increase the chance of arson or accidental fire.
  • Clean your equipment and machinery and switch it off when it isn’t in use.
  • Make sure your building is fitted out with fire protection systems (in compliance with national building code standards). This includes alarm systems, sprinklers, and more.
  • Make sure you have a fire evacuation plan.
  • Invest in fire safety training for your employees. Choose a designated fire warden and make sure your staff know how to operate fire extinguishers, fire hose reels, and fire blankets.
  • Call your local government fire protection authority and have a chat with them about what extra measures you can take.

Another easy way to assess your workplace is to check for any potential sources of ignition, and any potential fuel sources in your building.

  • Is any of your equipment faulty? Are your electrical circuits safe?
  • Are portable heaters being used?
  • Are there any open flames being used in your building?
  • Are multiple adapter ports in use/multiple extension cords?
  • Are any heat sources being kept close to potential fuel?

Go through your property and perform a fire safety check. If you’re unsure whether some of your equipment is damaged or faulty, you can contact our team and ask us to perform an electrical risk assessment.

Fire Safety Services

At Jim’s Test and Tag, we offer a range of fire protection services to businesses across New Zealand. Now that you’ve read our fire safety advice for businesses, you need to maintain your protective equipment. You can protect your business during a fire by choosing one or more of the following services:

  • Fire extinguisher testing
  • Fire blanket testing
  • Fire hose reel testing
  • Electrical testing and tagging

Though it might not seem obvious, testing and maintaining all of the electrical equipment in your business will reduce the chance of a fire. Faulty equipment can overheat or produce sparks that result in electrical fires. Part of fire prevention safety is catching the problem before an accident occurs. Ask a test and tag team member to perform checks on the following range of items in your building:

  • Appliances – microwaves, coffee machines, portable heaters, etc.
  • Office equipment – computers, printers, extension cords, power boards, etc.
  • Electrical equipment – power tools, portable power points, RCDs, etc.
  • Cleaning equipment – steam cleaners, pressure hoses, etc.

After we complete each check, you can rest assured that you have minimised the chance of fire in your business. We’ll provide you with a detailed testing report to verify your compliance and help keep track of your testing requirements. Part of our ongoing fire safety advice for businesses is strict adherence to the national testing standards.

We provide a free reminder service to all of our test and tag clients to help them stay on top of their fire prevention requirements. You’ll never miss a test date with our capable Jim’s Test & Tag technicians.

Our services are completely mobile and available across the nation. We serve a range of different businesses and are completely trained to secure your entire workplace. Simply browse through our services and get in touch with us to book a test appointment.

Want more fire safety advice for businesses? Contact us on 0800 454 654 or fill out the online form for a FREE QUOTE.