Testing and Tagging is crucial to workplace safety.

Each and every business owner has an obligation to provide a safe workplace.

Still people ask – “Is it a legal requirement to Test and Tag in NZ?”

Workplace safety is a mandatory requirement as outlined in the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Fire Safety Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Schemes Regulations 2018.

The regulations cover:

  • rules about electrical safety – outlining what is safe and unsafe
  • installation and maintenance of fittings and appliances
  • a list of standards that are applicable to these regulations
  • information about records and proof of compliance
  • details of what happens if you commit an offence

Knowing the details of what is required of you will give you a clear picture of the things you may need to tackle in regards to your testing and tagging requirements.

Ensuring your workplace is safe and sound

It’s important to remember that there is more than one set of electrical safety testing regulations you need to adhere to in New Zealand. Don’t leave things to chance.

The team at Jim’s Test & Tag specialise in a wide range of appliance and equipment testing.

You don’t just have an obligation to provide a safe workplace. Under the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Fire Safety Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Schemes Regulations 2018 it is now mandatory. That’s an important thing to remember.

It’s also vital that any electrical testing and tagging is conducted in accordance with the AS/NZS3760 standard for the in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment.

Essentially, everything that plugs in poses some risk. Knowing that you have your equipment tested and tag can give you peace of mind.

Is all electrical equipment the same?

Just as there are different types of electrical equipment and devices, there is a different need for their testing and tagging.

How often equipment needs to a test and tag procedure performed depends on both the nature of the equipment as well as that particular workplace. Electrical equipment that is used on a construction site, including in an outdoor environment and in possibly damp conditions requires more frequent testing than a power board or extension cords in an office.

The benefits of having your equipment regularly inspected means minimising the dangers and risks before any harm is done to employees or visitors to the workplace.

Electrical Safety is a key to Workplace Safety

Whilst you have a legal obligation to have your equipment tested and tagged, it’s also in your best interests to have an experienced team looking after the test and tag procedures.

Employers and business owners have some other important decisions to make.

Any equipment found to be non-compliant should be appropriately labelled and immediately withdrawn from use. The choice may be whether to have the equipment fixed or disposed of.

Compliant equipment will be tagged with the name of the person or company who have performed the test. This tag will be a durable, non-reusable, non-metallic tag will also record the date of test or inspection, a reference to the testing standard and the date of the retest.

More information on the various types of electrical safety regulations in New Zealand (including resources for electrical works), can be found on the WorkSafe Electricity Safety website.

No second chances when it comes to safety

There is no need to leave workplace safety issues to chance when there are strict guidelines about testing and tagging in NZ.

It could be a simple electrical lead that has been damaged or worn out which can cause a serious electrical shock and burns to someone who touches it.

Nearly half of the electrical accidents throughout New Zealand are due to either a failure to follow safe work procedures or lack of maintenance.

This is why testing and tagging your equipment is such an important aspect of overall work safety. It is crucial for your employees and any visitors to your work site.

Contact Jim’s Test & Tag Today

Having your workplace and electrical equipment properly tested and tagged is easier than you might think. Our technicians are ready to help make sure you are complying with your safety requirements.

Electrical testing and tagging services in NZ has never been easier.

It’s a simple case of booking the experienced team here at Jim’s Test & Tag to inspect your workplace. You can be compliant and be workplace safe in next to no time.

Call us now or fill in the online form for a free quote.