Managing electrical risks around your home or workplace might seem pretty straightforward. But have you considered your everyday electrical appliances?
Electric shocks from appliances are more common than you think. It’s the items we use everyday that are often forgotten. They seem harmless, but complacency can lead to unnecessary risk.

Luckily, you can keep your appliances in check with electrical test and tag services. With ongoing maintenance, you can find a faulty appliance before anyone gets hurt.

You might not think you’ll ever get an electric shock from a washing machine, but it happens. Here are a list of everyday appliances that you need to have tested on a regular basis:

  • kettles and toasters
  • coffee machine
  • washing machine and dryers
  • fridges and freezers
  • cleaning equipment
  • blenders, grinders, and electric knives
  • microwaves
  • power boards and extension cords
  • portable fans and heaters


When it comes to avoiding electric shocks from appliances, the rules are simple:

  • if it plugs in, test it
  • follow the manufacturer instructions
  • be careful around water
  • make sure your RCD (circuit protection) is working correctly
  • make sure your family members and staff know what to do in an emergency


How to Treat an Electric Shock

Part of being prepared is knowing what to do after an electric shock. The first thing you should do is contact the emergency services. Even if it is a minor shock, you need immediate medical attention.

Medical treatment depends on the severity of the shock. Any burns or wounds will be cleaned, medicated, and dressed. Antibiotics may also be prescribed. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

If someone near you has an electric shock, the most important thing to do is ensure your own safety. Make sure the power has been stopped before touching the person so that you don’t end up injuring yourself. You can’t help the person if you have been injured too.


What causes electric shocks from appliances?

Electrical shocks can be the fault of the appliance or the user. An appliance may have a manufacturer fault that has not been caught, or it might have developed a fault over time. Otherwise, shocks can occur because of contact with water, or incorrect usage (for example, putting metal in a toaster).


Preventing Electric Shocks from Appliances

You can manage the risk in your building with regular maintenance.

This includes the testing and tagging of all of your electrical appliances, as well as maintenance for your residual current device. The RCD is there to switch off the power when something dangerous is occurring in your electrical system.

At Jim’s Test & Tag, we are electrical safety professionals. Our technicians carry out routine inspections and repairs for businesses all around New Zealand.

We can test and tag all of your appliances and find the faults before they do any harm.

If you own or operate a business, you are required to provide a safe working environment for guests and employees. If a shock happens on your watch, you will be liable. You can increase the safety of your staff and prove your compliance with our inspection services.

Call us now or fill in the online form for a free quote.