Making sure you have up-to-date Test and Tag labels is a vital part of workplace safety.

There are different work safe regulations for different workplaces throughout New Zealand. This is why it is crucial that each workplace is compliant with the safety regulations specific to the industry.

You cannot be left to wonder if and how your workplace is work safely. Everyone on-site needs to know that you have done all you can to provide an environment that is safe for staff and visitors.

If not, you could be liable for heavy fines or deemed responsible for any incident on your premises. That is not something that you want hanging over your head when you should be free to concentrate on running your business.

Which equipment has Test and Tag labels?

Knowing what Test and Tag labels are for, what each coloured label means knowing what equipment has been properly tested and how often testing and tagging needs to be done.

One golden rule that should always be top of mind and followed correctly is that all electrical equipment and appliances must be correctly tested and tagged. There is often no second chance when it comes to electrical safety.

The damage from faulty electrical equipment and tools can be extreme and in certain circumstances, the incident can be fatal.

If you’re in doubt about which equipment or devices have been tested, then you are in a world of unnecessary worry.

There is a simple and effective way to ensure your workplace is work safe by enlisting trusted professionals to test and tag all your electrical equipment and having them follow the strict schedule of re-testing at the proper intervals.

This is a complicated and time-consuming task that needs experience and expertise to perform correctly.

Test and tag labels

Testing and Tagging – a key safety measure

Using electrical equipment always comes with a certain risk. The user needs to be properly trained in how to use that equipment and to know the dangers of misuse.

What many people don’t know is that electrical equipment and tools need to be thoroughly inspected and tested in accordance with the relevant AS/NZS standard.

Once properly tested, each piece of equipment needs to be corrected tagged with the right Test and Tag labels for the corresponding device.

This is not just a simple ‘all clear to use’ tag or the industry tick of approval. Test and tag labels make note of important information such as who conducted the test, when that test was done and when the next test is due.

Testing and tagging should be done on all equipment throughout the entire workplace. Even devices such as a RCD (or safety switch) should be properly tested. There is no point having a safety device and not being able to rely on it working.

Having a full and strict schedule to follow means all your equipment will be as safe to use as possible at any time of the year.

Your guide to staying work safe

Having your equipment properly tested by professionals gives you full peace of mind. You will know that the whole testing process was done in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standards with the label marked accordingly – for example, ‘Tested to AS/NZS 3760’.

Knowing you have a team of experts doing all your testing and tagging means you have safeguarded your workplace from work safety issues. It also means that you are OHS/WHS compliant.

Full testing and tagging not only means you avoid the risk of heavy fines for work safety infringements but most importantly of all, you reduce the risk of serious injury to your employees, clients and visitors to your workplace.

Which team can you rely on for all your testing and tagging needs wherever you are in New Zealand?

Test and tag labels

The most reliable team are Jim’s Test & Tag

As a fully trained team of professionals, Jim’s Test & Tag have all your testing and tagging covered.

You’ll always know that you have the experts you can rely on behind you every step of the way.
As a proudly Kiwi-owned and operated business, we can look after your company wherever you are in NZ.

It’s our commitment to quality service, ongoing training and attention to detail that make us the most highly sought-after team.

As New Zealand’s largest specialist test and tag provider, you can be sure we provide you with the most up-to-date and professional service possible.

You get the very best in:

It’s all about being safe and staying safe. That’s where and why you can rely on Jim’s Test & Tag.

Contact us now or fill in the online form for a free quote.