When it comes to business, not everything is straight forward or guaranteed. You need to have key ingredients behind you to make things work.
Choosing the path of self-employment has its plusses and some pitfalls. That’s the same when you choose a career in Testing & Tagging.
While Testing & Tagging is a crucial part of workplace safety, becoming a Test & Tag franchise has more to it than meets the eye. The risks need to be balanced against the many rewards.
When you’re asking yourself – ‘How do I start a Test and Tag business in NZ?’ – it’s important to know what is involved and how to get the clearest picture before you begin.
Tagging and Testing is an important part of many industries.
Business owners right across New Zealand need to be across all the safety regulations that relate to their workplace and work sites. That’s where the constant demand for testing and tagging of appliances and equipment comes into the picture.
That is where becoming a Test & Tag franchisor can be appealing.
That’s when you need the answers to: How do I start a Test and Tag business in NZ?
The Pros & Cons of starting your own Test & Tag business
Buying a franchise is a good way to get into business, but a franchise is not for everyone.
It is important to know as much as possible about the business franchise that you will take on.
There’s no such thing as getting too much background information on a business enterprise. Being able to ask existing franchisees on what they have encountered on their way to establishing their own business is invaluable.
A key to your success in starting your own Test and Tag business is knowing your own personality.
One of the main reasons that people take on a franchise is the wish to be your own boss.
That is great in theory, but remember that being self-employed means being more self-reliant than ever. You need to do the hard yards to make a success of things. This is especially true in the early part of building your business.
The good thing about franchising is having those flexibility of hours and a lower risk of setting up a business than doing it all from scratch.
Take up the training and then decide
It’s a great idea to take up a franchise that comes with comprehensive training and mentorship.
There are some franchise opportunities out there that are ‘too good to be true’. These are those ones that offer:
· How to make huge money
· Big returns on only a small investment
· Little training
· Unverified success stories
· Complex legal terms and unexplained paperwork
Before you know it, you are part of a group who are trying to recoup lost money. All the special guarantees you were given don’t amount to anything on closer inspection.
You aren’t properly trained for what you need to do to make a successful start and there is no company back-up to help you.
Your outlay has gone and you’re on your own to work out how to take the next step forward.

A checklist for starting your franchise
A comprehensive checklist will help you work out if a franchise is a good fit for you and your circumstances.
That checklist should include things such as:
· How many hours can I work?
It is a common mistake to think that it will be easy. You could well be working harder than you ever have and all the responsibility will fall on your shoulders. The first few years can be particularly challenging.
· Am I desperate to earn money?
Starting a franchise may not be profitable for some time, especially in the early months of operation. Check when you can expect to earn money.
· Make sure the franchise is a professional one
Check that your franchise is part of a reputable system that supports you and trains you properly.
· Ask questions
Always ask as many questions as you can about what is involved with becoming a franchisee. Talk to existing franchisees. There is no point second guessing yourself.
Make a list of all your questions and concerns that you can tick off or add to as you go through the franchise process. It is crucial that you know what to expect and all the ins and outs of what is involved before you make any significant outlay of money and time.
A trusted name you can rely on
When you’re thinking – how do I start a Test and Tag business in NZ, the answer could be to join Jim’s Test and Tag’s franchise. You get more than a reliable name. You have access to:
· Competitive earnings: You will have control of your earnings and support from the regional franchisors.
· True flexibility: It’s a great way to achieve a true work/life balance. You can choose a convenient office or base from where you can travel to clients in your area.
· The rewards of relationships: Build a client base that you like from recurring clients. You will have the support of regional franchisors and access to a network of likeminded individuals.
· Professional Equipment: Every Jim’s Test & Tag technician has access to quality equipment, including top of the line portable appliance testers.
For more info on the benefits as a Regional Test & Tag franchisor, check out this handy video – The Value of being a Regional Franchisor. Ready to discuss how you can take the next step? Just fill in the Franchise Enquiries form and we’ll get back to you.
Contact us now. The team at Jim’s Test & Tag is ready to help.