Do you own or operate a business? Make sure you know all about the electrical safety regulations you need to follow to make your workplace safe. 

At Jim’s Test & Tag, we are electrical safety experts. 

We provide electrical inspection services to businesses all around New Zealand. To find out more about our work, browse through our website or get in touch for a consultation. 

Your safety cannot wait. 

There is an official document that is available for PDF download via the WorkSafe NZ website. 

This legislation is in place to “promote the health and safety of members of the public, and promote the prevention of damage to property, around the supply and use of electricity in New Zealand.” 

The regulations cover the following: 

  • general rules about electrical safety (what is safe and unsafe) 
  • installation and maintenance of fittings and appliances 
  • a list of standards that are applicable to these regulations 
  • information about what happens if you commit an offence 
  • information about records and proof of compliance 

Take a look at the document here. 

Test and Tag Requirements 

In New Zealand, there are a number of electrical safety testing regulations you need to adhere to. At Jim’s Test & Tag, we specialise in appliance and equipment testing. 

Electrical testing and tagging needs to be conducted in accordance with the AS/NZS3760 standard for the in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment. 

Essentially, everything that plugs in could pose a threat. Regular inspections minimise risks and help to neutralise threats before they cause any harm to employees. 

Your business has an obligation to provide a safe workplace, and under the new Fire and Emergency New Zealand Fire Safety Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Schemes Regulations 2018 it is now mandatory. 

The kind of equipment you may need to test will differ from business to business. Common appliances and equipment include the following: 

  • power boards and extension cords
  • RCDs 
  • cooking equipment 
  • cleaning equipment 
  • power tools 
  • office equipment 

For more information about the frequency of the tests required, take a look at our testing and tagging service page. 

Electrical Safety NZ 

For more comprehensive information about all the different types of electrical safety (including resources for electrical works), visit the WorkSafe Electricity Safety website. 

You can find information on the following: 

  • appliances and fittings 
  • installations and networks 
  • electrical safety in agriculture 
  • electrical safety on small construction sites
  • working near powerlines 
  • testing and tagging electrical appliances 

WorkSafe NZ also have a range of really informative videos about electrical safety that are a great way of spreading awareness. Claude the cat goes on many adventures where he encounters electrical strife. 

Unfortunately, we need to be diligent when it comes to electricity because, unlike cats, we humans don’t have nine lives. 

Take a look at one of their latest videos: 

For more informative videos, check out their YouTube channel. 

Contact Jim’s Test & Tag Today 

To book an inspection or ask a question about electrical safety testing regulations, test and tag requirements, give us a call now or fill in the online form. 

One of our local technicians will be happy to help you manage your electrical safety requirements.