Some people think they can relax on fire safety procedures where the climate is colder, such as Christchurch, but this is a myth. It’s just as critical to have portable appliance testing in Christchurch as it is in any other town in New Zealand.
Fire can breakout anywhere, in any climate. As the employer, you need reliable testing and tagging procedures in place so that electrical appliances are maintained in correct working order. This is your legal obligation. Protect your employees.
It’s not just the workplace that needs to be checked. Disasters can also occur with faulty portable electrical appliances in the home. Protect your family.
Use Jim’s Test & Tag technicians. They specialise in testing domestic and commercial electrical equipment and appliances to ensure they’re maintained in accordance with the latest government standards.
The types of portable appliance testing in Christchurch
A portable appliance is any electrical appliance that can be moved around. It’s easy in a factory environment to forget that this also means appliances in the kitchen.
There are all manner of portable appliances in the home ranging from portable heaters and vacuum cleaners to toasters, microwaves, hair dryers and more. Ultimately, whatever uses electricity needs to be inspected and tested regularly.
This is whether they’re:
- already in use,
- new and being used for the first time,
- returned to service after repairing or servicing,
- purchased at a second-hand shop, or
- hired for temporary use.
Remember, portable appliance testing also includes extension leads, power boards, adapters, and portable RCDs (safety switches).
To carry out proper testing and tagging you need experts with the correct testing equipment.
Maintain a safe home and workplace by using the experts at Jim’s Test & Tag
The fully qualified technicians at Jim’s Test & Tag can perform regular inspection, testing, and maintenance at your work or home, anytime it suits. They only use certified testing equipment which gives you the added peace of mind you need.
For portable appliance testing in Christchurch, use qualified technicians you can rely on; that’s Jim’s Test & Tag. Do not put it off. Contact us now or fill in the online form for a free quote.